Neck pain is a very common symptom that many people experience in their lifetime. Some people have intermittent problems, others have permanent pain.
It's a very important message for all people that you don't have to live with this pain, it can be eliminated. There are several possible causes of neck pain, which we will now look at.
1. Incorrect position: one of the main causes is incorrect positioning. People spend a third of their lives sleeping lying down, so it is important to have the right conditions. Use the right pillow and mattress.
2. The drafts: if you sleep with the window open or use air conditioning, you can easily develop neck pain.
3. Improper sitting: many people don't realise how important this is. It is recommended to sit with your back straight at all times. It's hard to get used to, but you can get used to it after a while.
4. Poor posture: if the spine is not in the right position, it can throw the whole body off balance. Do not bend over, an extended posture is recommended.
5. Smartphones: as smartphones have become more common, so too have more people with neck pain. Neck muscles are overworked by their use and neck pain develops very quickly. The neck gets used to being held in the wrong position and that's the end of the problem.
6. Pinched nerves: severe and persistent neck pain can even cause pinched nerves. In this case, it is advisable to consult a physiotherapist or specialist.
7. Mental causes: neck pain can also be caused by stress or depression. Stress management techniques like yoga or meditation can help. In the case of depression, it is recommended to see a specialist.
Let's look at some of the solutions available to relieve neck pain.
You can do simple exercises at home or, in more serious cases, see a physiotherapist. You can also use compresses or massage. You can also use various topical pain relief creams, which can be used in combination with massage.
Although neck pain can be very distressing, it usually resolves itself after a week. However, if the problem persists for a longer period of time, it is worth seeking medical advice!