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Why is physiotherapy important?

2022. 10. 07. 09:48:00 Veress Máté - HillVital

Physiotherapy is a physiotherapy method that can help to treat musculoskeletal complaints and injuries effectively. The primary aim of physiotherapy is to reduce pain, improve joint movement and even complete the movement.

During treatment, patients can also learn what they can do themselves to reduce or eliminate pain.


Let's see what problems a physiotherapy can be effective for!

- Scoliosis

- Herniated disc

- Spinal problems with neck, back or lower back pain

- Postural problems

- Sports injury or post-accident injury recovery

- Pain relief after surgery

- Osteoporosis

- Treatment of arthritis

There are different ways of doing physiotherapy. Here are some important methods of treatment:

- McKenzie method

- Schroth method

- Manual therapy

- Manual Chiropractic for the muscles of the trunk to make them stronger

The McKenzie method is based on the following.

The McKenzie Method was developed by Robin McKenize who was a very famous physiotherapist. He believed in a treatment that was tailored to the patient, so each person was expected to have a different treatment.

This method is about thorough examination and treatment tailored to the patient's condition. The first step is for the therapist to observe how the patient's pain changes with different postures and movements. The point of the observation is to see when the pain level decreases and when it stops completely. It is also an important step for the therapist to talk a lot with the patient about when and how the problem started and where it radiates to. This will help to find out if there is an underlying injury, surgery or inflammation. The biggest advantage of this method is that it has proven that not all patients benefit from the same exercise. Each case should be based on individual characteristics and pain perception.

The Schroth method focuses more on scoliosis, postural problems and various spinal pains. It can be a great method for these. It can also be effective for Scheuermann's disease. This means that the curvature of the spinal column is very different from normal. The method helps to straighten the spine. It stretches the spine to its maximum and strengthens the muscles. These corrective exercises can be easily incorporated into everyday life. This therapy is also individualized.

Manual therapy comes from the Latin word "manus" which means hand. This treatment is performed by hand and aims to restore the statics of the spine and pelvis. The main aim is to relieve pain in the supporting and musculoskeletal system. Both acute and chronic lesions can be treated. Treatment is preceded by a research study into the medical history. The assessment can be done by MRI, CT or even ultrasound.

And the last one is the spinal CT which is also important. Spinal exercises help a lot to strengthen the trunk muscles and prevent muscle stiffness. It loosens up tight spinal muscles and improves posture. The aim is to maintain the maximum range of motion for the conditions and also to optimise posture.

There are also types of spinal exercises that address the following goals:


- Muscle strengthening

- Moving the joints out

- Stretching the muscles

- Improve endurance to a great extent

During physiotherapy, herbal balms are often used to help relieve pain. We recommend the Maximum balm if you are a physiotherapist or if you are already able to do the important exercises at home. Using this herbal product will make your physiotherapy more effective.

Why is physiotherapy important?